Jennifer Valance: Author Page

Gazebo in a large field at a distant used for weddings
Welcome to my author page. I am excited to be able to share my love of writing to the audience. I am new to writing online, but I have loved home decor and DIY projects. I grew up in the country where my family had gardens and a large backyard area with a fantastic hill for sleighing in the winter. One of my favorite hobbies, as I was growing up, was playing the viola and cello. I was never a superstar, but I really love the sound of the orchestra. As an adult, this is still my favorite style of music as I love Dallas String Quartet and Two Cellos.

My primary job will be editor and researcher for the informational articles on patios, awnings, and canopies. As my schedule permits, I will occasionally have the opportunity to write some of my own posts that will be in the backyard space.
Outside of my career, my two great passions are my pet bunny and my small vegetable garden. Bunny is just under a year old, and she loves lettuce, carrots, and orchard grass. She’s a purebred rex rabbit that came home with us from the breeder when she was only 7 weeks old, and we nursed her up to being able to eat solid food. The other activity that takes up a lot of my spare time is raising a garden. I love being able to get fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers from our backyard. They just taste so sweet, and my one of my main goals for this year is to grow some fresh sweet corn.
MY favorite activity when I was growing up was drawing and coloring. I would think of something, sketch it and then use either my crayons or colored pencils to finish the work. My “art” never won any awards, and I was never competitive with it. I used it as my escape place that brought me joy as I could create anything I could envision.
As an adult, decorating and writing is a lot like this. I can get an idea for a DIY project and try it. Sometimes it will work out, and most of the time it won’t. Regardless of the outcome, I will enjoy attempting to have my vision something everyone else can see.
So that’s me in a nutshell. Thanks for visiting my author page.

Last Updated:February 22, 2025